Performance reviews are an inevitable part of work. It’s advantageous to have an employee fill out a self appraisal along side their supervisor’s. Prior to the appraisal, you as an employee should be given a blank review form, and last year’s review as a comparison to refer back to. Go over it, and note where you’ve made or need improvements. Go over the blank form to see what categories are up for review, then rate yourself in each one with appropriate stories to support the ratings. Check your work calendar for anything you may have missed. Finally, draft some goals to aim for in the upcoming year and some final comments to go along with them.
Key Takeaways:
- Review your previous appraisal to see where you have and haven’t improved.
- Come up with 3-5 goals to set for yourself in the coming year.
- Rate yourself and write succinct, specific comments about your work performance.
“Managers should explain to employees the process, set a date/time for their performance review meeting, and answer any questions.”
Read more:
- Performance Reviews: Overcoming 5 Common Biases - January 22, 2021
- Why “REAL LIFE” Support For Your Employees Is A Great ROI - January 14, 2021
- Employees: How to Complete Your Self Appraisal - January 7, 2021