A change in company culture, or the feeling of not being valued or respected are just a couple of the reasons key employees leave their jobs. Fact: Employees leave not because they want to work closer to home, or even to earn a higher salary. Promises made by companies, by managers or by supervisory staff, but then not delivered signify another reason for dissatisfaction and discouragement. We’ve been hearing this particular comment a lot lately. Recently, we received communication from a 15+ year career dental assistant via email. Her comment: “I feel the position I’m in and company I work for is not up to par. This is not the job for me. I have been with this office for two and a half years now and was promised things that just have not come through.” Do you hear her frustration? She feels let down, disappointed and frustrated.
Speaking with her on the phone after we received her note, she shared how sad she was to be leaving her employer. After all, she said, she gets along with all her co-workers and loves her work. She accepted the job without knowing the company policies and procedures, or without inquiring into its culture. Had she been able to gain insight earlier, she would have learned this was the trend here.… promises made, but never delivered.
Research and communication are critical to any job search. You must be as well-informed as possible before accepting a position. Know your WHY. Why are you interested in a particular practice or company? What’s important to you in a job? Go “old school.” Take pen to paper and make a list. Be a good researcher and listener from the start. The interview is a time to be on a fact finding mission. Just as an employer performs a background check, you should check out the employer, as well. Network with your peers, research online, visit the company website and, if given the opportunity, talk with current employees. Many offices have top candidates go to lunch with office staff, as the dental office team members are key influencers.
When considering a job offer, we recommend you get the position in writing, to include job description, pay and benefits, and request a copy of the office’s policies and procedures to review. You know what’s important to you, what kind of company you want to work for. If there is resistance when you ask for this information, it should tell you something. Think twice… and think a third time. This may not be the job for you.
Remember, YOU have the power to make a choice. Do your best to not get in a situation of promises made, but not delivered.
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